As part of the program to celebrate 50 years of National Independence, the Embassy of Angola in Japan, in collaboration with the Angola/Japan Friendship Association, organized an event to present the tourist and cultural potential of our country.

Members of the Setagaya District City Council and the Japanese community residing in the vicinity of the embassy participated in the event.

The presentation of Her Excellency Mrs. Ambassador Teodolinda Coelho was accompanied with great enthusiasm, which led those present to applaud and learn more about our country.

In his speech, H.E. Mrs. Ambassador addressed the Importance of tourism for the Angolan economy, Investments in Tourist Infrastructure and Future perspectives for tourism in Angola. Information was also circulated about the Japanese travel agency World Air Service, which will hold its first Tour to Angola, with departure confirmed for January 11, 2025, with the same Agency on the agenda for 2 more tours, one scheduled for 18 and the other for January 25, 2025.

Next was the moment of questions and answers, which basically focused on the reason why Angola is now prioritizing tourism, in which the Ambassador in response informed that Angola faced a long period of war, and then the process of demining the country, only after the completion of this process, was it possible to give due attention to the tourism sector, firstly because it is a sector that contributes significantly to a country’s GDP, and a potential generator of employment, which will contribute to the country’s development.

In a pleasant environment, the guests tasted some delicacies of Angolan cuisine, and the mucua juice that attracted everyone’s attention, with emphasis on the kuduro dance performance by the Afrobased group, which livened up the atmosphere, and some guests bravely dared to learn some dance steps. The end of the event was marked by a family dance, which brought joy to those present.

*Unofficial translation

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